Our Founder Director and Lead Coach, Carolyn Parry talks about why she chose to call her newly published TEDx talk "The Redundancy Vaccine" and explains why it is a vital topic that every professional needs to be aware of and take steps to guard against.
The biggest question each individual faces is what to do with the gift of life they have been given – in other words: “How can I make the most of that gift so I can live to my fullest potential?” Yet it’s a question which we frequently steer away from or respond to by following the perceived safety of the norm.
In the last few weeks alone, over 11,000 households have woken up to newspaper articles and media outlets telling the world that their jobs in supermarkets, fashion retail and banking will be going.
Multi-award-winning career development coach Carolyn Parry, founder of Career Alchemy and one of the UK’s top career coaches, shares three top tips she teaches to clients which will help anyone affected by the threat of redundancy to stay positive despite the uncertainty.
With restructuring taking place all over the UK and shared by the media every week, being at risk of redundancy has sadly become a standard feature of modern day careers. No matter whichever research stats you read, the uncertainty that accompanies restructuring and redundancy consistently rates as one of the most stressful experiences you can go through and the experience is right up there with divorce, moving house, and bereavement.
Multi-award-winning career development coach Carolyn Parry, founder of Career Alchemy and one of the UK’s top career coaches, shares ten top tips she teaches to clients which will help anyone affected to minimise the stress of the situation by taking appropriate action. It's clear that faster is better if we want to to do simple things like catch a train or a plane, book a hotel, or look up something on Wikipedia, but when it comes to things which hold greater significance and meaning, faster will cause the wheels to overheat and come off.
We all know that motivating people is hard and the most up to date research from Gallup confirms it. Their report shows that in the UK, only around 15% of the workforce are stars, which leaves the remaining 85% either sleepwalking through their days or actively becoming saboteurs (our terminology not theirs!).
Come back to the first full working week of 2019.
How do you feel? Excited and full of hope at the prospect of a year full of meaning, impact and fulfilment? If that’s you, the chances are that you are probably a rising star at work who is intellectually and emotionally engaged in what you do, because it matters to you. In the UK, according to the latest Gallup stats[i], there are only 11% of UK workers who feel like you do. Well done on finding and living your career purpose. Just over 15 years ago , I was thinking of doing exactly the same, so I did. If you are thinking of changing too, I hope my story helps you...
We had just come back from almost a month off in France - our annual lifesaving holiday required to recharge exhausted energy levels and spend much needed time reconnecting the family, so we were ready to do it all over again for another year. |
ABOUT THIS BLOGDesigned for professionals, the Career Alchemy blog mixes news, career trends and philosophy with "how to" advice to help you achieve happiness and success in your working life, no matter how much the world of work is changing. Categories