Our Founder Director and Lead Coach, Carolyn Parry talks about why she chose to call her newly published TEDx talk "The Redundancy Vaccine" and explains why it is a vital topic that every professional needs to be aware of and take steps to guard against. Experts from pretty well every major management consultancy around the globe you can think of have identified the disruption and automation which the Fourth Industrial Revolution poses to business. According to PwC for instance, in the UK alone, up to one third of all jobs are at risk of some form of automation.* As a result, organisations in the UK and abroad are facing global competition so are rationalising workforces through restructuring and redundancy. While we are all sadly used to reading media reports almost daily which tell tales of major businesses restructuring, shedding large numbers of staff or, worse still, going to the wall, many professionals are still adopting a head in sand approach and failing to take action to mitigate the risk. Just as the flu virus has become a threat to our physical health and well-being, so automation and Industry 4.0 together present a massive risk to the career health of white collar workers just as much as to blue collar workers. Having run workshops and worked with large numbers of professionals this year who find themselves at risk of redundancy, I have witnessed first-hand the emotional impact on them, as they worry about money and the potential impact on their families, and face the fears of having to potentially leave a tribe they enjoy being part of, of losing part of their identity, becoming insignificant and without purpose. So I wanted to use the TEDx platform as a way of helping people fully recognise the risk they face and help them to take steps to protect their career health just in the same way as they take action to stay healthy and avoid catching the flu. As part of my talk, I tell the story of Peter, one of my long-standing clients, to illustrate a four-part career management strategy that anyone can use to vaccinate their career against the threat and thrive throughout a 50-year career no matter how much the world of work changes. I hope that watching "The Redundancy Vaccine", helps you to inoculate your career by developing a robust career management strategy to maintain your career health so you and your career can thrive despite uncertain times." *https://www.pwc.co.uk/economic-services/ukeo/pwcukeo-section-4-automation-march-2017-v2.pdf Want to be coached by Carolyn?One of the UK’s leading career development professionals and trainers, Carolyn Parry helps professionals to identify and create purpose-driven and sustainable careers that help to solve the world’s greatest challenges using her independently research proven INSPiRED framework, toolkit and planner. If you would like help with vaccinating your career and want to work with Carolyn, please complete the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
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